Prof. Nikolas Jaspert headed the meeting; he took over the acting directorship from Prof. Barbara Mittler starting with the beginning of the summer semester. He first thanked he for her work as Acting Director and then welcomed the new researchers at the HCTS.
Prof. Michael Radich is the new Professor for Buddhist Studies. Camille Simon, who is the new lecturer in Tibetean Language and Ruixuan Chen, who is Radich’s Assistant, completes his team. Dr. Amelia Bonea, Simon Cubelic and Dr. Davide Torri have started their projects in the Transcultural Forays Programme at the beginning of April and Prof. Magdolna Orosz and Prof. Paola Zamperini will join the HCTS as Tandem Fellows. Also, Dr. Ivan Sablin will cooperate with the HCTS for his ERC project, which is based at the Department of History at Heidelberg University. Jaspert then gave an update on the latest awards, grants and appointment for members of the Cluster and HCTS, the most recent of which is Dr. Cathrine Bublatzky’s DFG grant for her network “Entangled Histories of Art and Migration: Forms, Visibilities, Agents”. He also talked about the latest publications in terms of monographs, edited volumes and articles. As for scheduled dates, Jaspert drew the attention to the first Transcultural Studies Student conference on April 27 and the next HCTS Stadtgespräch, which will take place at the Heidelberger Kunstverein on May 17. Also, Prof. Magdolna Orosz and Prof. Barbara Besslich will present their Tandem Fellow project in HCTS lectures on May 24 and July 12, respectively. In the second part of the General Meeting, Dr. Anna Andreeva, Dr. Cathrine Bublatzky and Dr. Ivan Sablin presented their new projects which are either located at of associated with the HCTS.
Prof. Michael Radich is the new Professor for Buddhist Studies. Camille Simon, who is the new lecturer in Tibetean Language and Ruixuan Chen, who is Radich’s Assistant, completes his team. Dr. Amelia Bonea, Simon Cubelic and Dr. Davide Torri have started their projects in the Transcultural Forays Programme at the beginning of April and Prof. Magdolna Orosz and Prof. Paola Zamperini will join the HCTS as Tandem Fellows. Also, Dr. Ivan Sablin will cooperate with the HCTS for his ERC project, which is based at the Department of History at Heidelberg University. Jaspert then gave an update on the latest awards, grants and appointment for members of the Cluster and HCTS, the most recent of which is Dr. Cathrine Bublatzky’s DFG grant for her network “Entangled Histories of Art and Migration: Forms, Visibilities, Agents”. He also talked about the latest publications in terms of monographs, edited volumes and articles. As for scheduled dates, Jaspert drew the attention to the first Transcultural Studies Student conference on April 27 and the next HCTS Stadtgespräch, which will take place at the Heidelberger Kunstverein on May 17. Also, Prof. Magdolna Orosz and Prof. Barbara Besslich will present their Tandem Fellow project in HCTS lectures on May 24 and July 12, respectively. In the second part of the General Meeting, Dr. Anna Andreeva, Dr. Cathrine Bublatzky and Dr. Ivan Sablin presented their new projects which are either located at of associated with the HCTS.
- Anna Andreeva’s DFG project “Buddhism, Medicine, and Gender in 10th-16th Century Japan: Towards a Transcultural History of Women’s Health in Premodern East Asia” is a study of childbirth and the arts of judgement in medieval Japan.
- Cathrine Bublatzky’s DFG project “Entangled Histories of Art and Migration: Forms, Visibilities, Agents” brings together 15 scientists from anthropology, art history, and visual studies in a network to research on migration and globalization.
- Ivan Sablin addresses the entangled histories of deliberative decision-making, political representation and constitutionalism on the territories of the former Russian and Qing Empires in his ERC project “Entangled Parliamentarisms: Constitutional Practices in Russia, Ukraine, China and Mongolia, 1905-2005”.